Saturday, May 1, 2010

Darkness and Light!

A few days ago the wife of Kimberly’s language teacher went missing for several days in Kathmandu.  She has been found!  And the experience ended with both she and her husband giving their hearts to Jesus just yesterday- the same day Kimberly and I were praying and fasting for Nepal!  Here is the story as we heard it:

His wife was out walking and she saw darkness…and then light…and then darkness…and then light…. She heard God ask her if she would choose the darkness or the light.  This experience upset her, so she didn’t eat for a couple of days.   Then she was out walking again and fainted or lost consciousness for some reason and was found by some Christians who took her to a hospital in Kathmandu.  After she was recovered, and her husband had found her at the hospital, they decided together to choose the light.  Her husband, the language tutor, has worked with Christians for 22 years.  This power encounter led him to seriously consider this “gospel” that he has heard so much about.  And he and his wife have chosen eternal life with the One True God! 

This teacher called tonight to thank us for praying.  He said, “My time in Kathmandu was very hard…but God has saved us.”  Praise be to our Loving God!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful story of inspiration to see God's power at work in such tangible ways! Prayer...
