Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Heartache and Investment

Heartache... this morning, I had the privilege of going on pediatric rounds at Tansen Mission Hospital. While listening to one mother's painful story, I noticed a distinct ache in my chest. My mama heart was crying. This mother came to the hospital yesterday with two of her children. Today, her two-year-old is dead. Her five-year-old lies lethargically in her lap. She described how her children had gone to someone's house and were given something to eat. Upon returning home, one of the children vomited. The mother thought the vomit smelled like rat poison. Twelve of her chickens who pecked at the vomit died shortly thereafter. Now, her five-year-old clings to life. We cannot verify what has made these children ill; we have only evidence of abnormal liver function. We must wait to see the outcome for the older child. I pray to the One who knows the whole story.

There was also the eleven-year-old dying with fulminant hepatitis. My children have been vaccinated against two types of hepatitis, and we have a water purifier to prevent a third kind. There is the 10-year-old surviving only with assisted ventilation and intravenous sustenance; he has tetanus. Again, this is a preventable disease with vaccination. The photo above is one of the happy stories. This little one was seizing off and on for about 24 hours before he was brought to the hospital. He was unresponsive when he got there. He was treated for presumptive meningitis or encephalitis... and today he is playful. Now, he can be sent for a CT scan of his brain to seek out alternative causes of seizure.

There were several scenarios that seized my heart today. After rounds, I was informed that our wonderful Nepali household helper would not be there today. She is mourning; her husband left her for another woman. I can't even begin to explain all of the ramifications (socially, financially, emotionally, etc.) of such misfortune for a woman here.

So, what does this have to do with investment? Well, as I wandered the hospital compound alone for a while, I began to think about all that I have been given: a faithful husband, four strong, healthy, immunized children, a wonderful teacher for those children, abundant resources, education, relationship with the Creator of the universe, and more. Matthew 25 came to mind. I am one of the servants of the Master who has been entrusted with much. What will my Master find when He returns? Have I been faithful in handling what He has given me? Will He say to me, "I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me."?

I am blessed to have the opportunity to learn from the mission hospital staff who are here in Tansen. I am seeking what contribution I can make. I will start in the Outpatient Department tomorrow; I'm planning observation, but you never know what will transpire. I want to be ready for anything. Please pray that I will live as a willing and trustworthy servant. Much I have been given; much will be required.

Kimberly, for the Beine Bunch

1 comment:

  1. Oh... no words... Kimberly... God has used you to touch this mama's heart, too!
